Welcome to our community swimming club WHEN: Sundays 8am-10am, October-March WHERE: Ryde Aquatic Centre, 504 Victoria Rd, Ryde WHO: Ages 5-24 years, able to swim 25m unaided. Timed races are held in all the major strokes and all swimmers are handicapped according to their previous times. The meets are run entirely by parent volunteers in a family-friendly atmosphere.
Please click on the left hand menu for information.
Enquiries :
Email North Ryde RSL Youth Club Swimming - nrrslswimclub@gmail.com
Key Links
North Ryde RSL Youth Club http://www.nrrslyouthclub.com.au/index.htm
North Ryde RSL Community Club http://www.northrydersl.com.au/
Ryde Aquatic & Leisure Centre http://www.ryde.nsw.gov.au/ralc.htm